Betsy Propane sings with a live Jazz Trio with a rotating cast of some of New Orleans’ premiere Burlesque and Variety performances!
Love the sounds of Traditional New Orleans Jazz? Are you traveling to our city hoping to catch some live music on a non-weekend evening? Enjoy Burlesque? Maybe you've heard of it before, but haven't had the chance to catch a show?
Well, look no further!
Betsy Propane & The Accessories are a Jazz Trio fronted by a female lead singer, who dabbles in the Ancient Art of Bump & Grind, and wants to share those powerful pipes through song & performance.
The Allways is better known as "The Pearl of the Marigny!" A lounge/cabaret with BURLESQUE, MUSIC, DRAG, COMEDY, EROTIC READINGS and pretty places to tuck away for a evening cocktail!
***This venue is Handicapped accessible upon request.***
Tickets $20 | For tickets, CLICK HERE.